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Lejka at 4 months
Lejka at the age of 4 months
Lejka came to us in the cold night of 23rd December 1991 and she was our most beautiful Christmas present. She came from little town Chapelle-a-Wattines in Belgium near French border and she was a funny looking puppy with the most beautiful eyes I have every seen, long, clumsy legs, big ears and very tiny and slim body. She was a very lovely and fearless puppy, who loved food and Gari gave her a very warm welcome. Soon she realized Gari is the boss at our home, so she let herself be terrorized by Gari. Later in her life she became more reserved and sophisticated lady.

Lejka was simply wonderful as a familiy dog. She took part in all kind of activities and was happy to be our darling. She enjoyed in long walks and loved travelling and outings, only swimming was not for her. Her favourite thing was driving with the car and visiting new places.

She was personified tenderness and she was very gentle and sensitive noble lady. As a puppy she had more temper, but with years she turned herself into a lovely, quiet, sensitive and dignified lady who left an impression of an important air. She was a real sweetheart to our family and close friends, but quite reserved with strangers. She didn't conclude friendships easily, but she loved all people she accepted as friends very much.

She had the most beautiful eyes darkrimmed like she was using mascara and she was a true beauty indeed. She was our darling and our queen. She was a bit spoiled and very intelligent lady. She likds to cuddle in my lap like as she was a small dog and she liked to sleep on the couch or in bed with a pillow under her head. She was somewhat choisy about food, so she always had a slim figure, but she adored special doggie titbits. She could live on them alone.

Lejka and Tadeja
She was a very tender and gentle lady and she always gave kisses and wanted to be caressed and talked to. She was also very obedient so we had no problems with her. On walks she was off leash all the time because she never went far from us. Her only problem were cats - like all normal dogs she likds to chase them. She was friendly toward other dogs and people, but she preferred if they leave her alone. She didn't take well quick movements, rudeness or harsh words so we had to be very careful, tender and soft with her. She was a very good watch dog and defended her people and property with her velvet and deep barking. She understood almost everything and was a very compassionate and tender doggie, who knew the moods of her people.

She was simply wonderful girl - she possessed everything you could wish in a dog - so she was a very special girl and we all loved her very much.

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