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We are very proud to present you sweet and lovely Aska


Aska is the smallest daughter of Nati and she is very special because of her white paw. She lives in Zgornja Kungota near Maribor together with Katja and her family, which inludes also two cats. Aska would play with the cats, but they don't want to play with her. She is a very lively and curious girl full of energy. She likes to spend her days in the nature, play with other dogs and discovering new things. She also enjoys in a ride with the car and visiting new places. Aska is visiting puppy classes with Katja and hopefully they will start to practise agility also. Because Aska is also a very promissing lappie girl she started to take part on dog shows with Katja. Aska has a very sweet personality and she is a very friendly and outgoing girl so everybody likes her. We are so happy that she has very caring and loving new owners who are very pleased with her. Aska is enjoying her life very much and is a very happy and loving girl living in a wonderful family.

Thank you Katja for taking such wonderful care of Aska and for making her life so happy! We wish you many happy moments together and many adventures together!

Aska at home

Aska  Aska

Aska  Aska

Aska in Slovenska Bistrica on 21.5.2005

Aska  Aska

Aska  Aska

Please visit Aska's photo album to see more photos of lovely Aska.

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